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Frequently Asked Questions
What is included in each lesson?
Each lesson will typically have a minimum of:
Introductory video
Additional video strong on content
Link to a relevant article(s)
An assignment
Bonus that includes additional articles, videos, etc.
There are a few E-Z-Lessons that do not include a video. And for a good reason--I just couldn't find one worth using! I try to keep them less than one year old (there are exceptions) and less than 4 minutes long (also exceptions). For some topics, a video just isn't a viable option. But . . . I will keep looking! (if you find one send me a link!)
I reserve the right to add additional elements, including multiple assignment options for each lesson. :)
What about assessments?
Interestingly, it seems as though most teachers define that as a "quiz" or a "test." I am more of a fan of using assignments and activities as assessments. In my experience, you get a much more accurate appraisal of the level of understanding in this way. So, every E-Z-Lesson comes with an assignment. There are no fill-in-the-blanks, no matching, no crossword puzzles, and nothing close to a word search. Most of the assignments require students to seek out information. We have an incredible amount of knowledge available to us. We just need to use it. There are some assignments that require more writing. Some require applying information to a hypothetical business. Some require finding examples of the concepts. All of them, if done correctly, requires thought. Something often left out in workbooks.
Why do you use YouTube?
YouTube offers the best selection of videos. I will, however, typically link through ViewPure. This will provide the video without the comments or video recommendations and reduce the chances of exposing students to inappropriate content.
What format or program is used for the assignments?
Word documents will be linked from my DropBox account. Students do not need to have a DropBox account. However, if they have a DropBox account they can download it directly to their account. If not, they can do a "direct download" that will save the document to their computer. If there is enough interest I will also place all the assignments on a single page using Google Docs.
How do I access E-Z-Lessons?
When you register, you will create a username (email address) and password. Then, simply navigate to and log in. Everyone at your school (teachers and students) will have the same username and password. I learned the hard way--this will make life easier for both of us!
How many lessons are there?
There are over 60, and that number will grow.
Do you ever delete lessons?
Like I mentioned above, once a lesson is added it will remain on the site. By adding lessons throughout the year they may be even more current and relevant. In addition, by continually adding lessons this will be one resource you have that becomes more valuable as time goes on. Again, once a lesson is added, it will stay live on the site . . . forever.
How can I use E-Z-Lessons?
In short . . . anyway you want. I know you want a slightly more detailed answer. Other marketing and business teachers have made these suggestions:
Give your students an edge in DECA, FBLA, PBA competitions
Use them when you have a substitute so real learning takes place.
Use them as a form of extra credit that is based on the curriculum and course.
Use them for make-up work when a student is absent, particularly for an extended period.
Use them for the student who is always ahead of the rest of the class.
Use them to add content to your current lesson plans
Use them as a supplement to your textbook.
and any other way you can imagine . . .
What topics will be covered?
At this time, E-Z-Lessons will include two broad types of topics.
There will be "new" lessons on the old standbys such as the 4 P's, marketing research, sales, etc. In addition, there will be lessons on new leading-edge topics such as influencer marketing, big data, IoT, social media, digital marketing, newsjacking, etc.
Many topics will be picked right out of "today's" headlines.
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