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Why You Need to Uncover Your Why

Your ‘why’ is why you do what you do, and your ‘what’ is what you do to help you achieve your ‘why.’

When you know your ‘why’ it gives you the freedom to decide on the ‘what.’

It’s that simple, even if uncovering your ‘why’ isn’t so simple.


What Happens When You Discover Your ‘Why’?

Before you take any steps to makes changes in your life, the crucial question to ask yourself is, “Why?” For example, if you’re thinking about applying for a promotion, starting a business, or enrolling in a college course, ask yourself, “Why do I want to take this action?” Answering this question is of the utmost importance, as it can be a decisive factor in whether you should pursue your plan or not.

But the answer may not be so clear.

You’ll know from your daily life if you’re not living your big ‘why.’

Here are some clues:


  • You make plans but leave things unfinished

  • You start projects but never complete them

  • You set goals but you don’t follow through on them

  • You have ‘to do’ lists that you never complete

  • You set up a strategy for your business, but you don’t action it consistently

  • You compile a list of companies with great potential job opportunities, but you don’t contact them


If you’ve ever wondered why you never finish what you start, or don’t bother starting at all, now you have the answer. You don’t have a compelling enough reason to follow through. In other words, you aren’t connected to your big ‘why.’

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In order to get where you want to go, your path may take some twists and turns. For example, you may need to take a certain job to earn the money you need to put yourself through college, or you may take a low-paid job to get experience in the area of work you want to pursue. These are not your ultimate destinations but merely steps along the way. They are the ‘what’ that will take you to your ‘why.’


Let’s look at some benefits of knowing your ‘why’ and expressing it.

When you have your own business:


  • Clarity in getting your message across to attract customers and clients

  • Developing stronger and more meaningful connections with customers than those based on features and benefits 

  • Understanding what drives your behavior when you’re at your innate best

  • Making intentional choices for your business, your career, and your life

  • Inspiring others to buy from you, work with you, and join your cause

How would your life be different if you knew your ‘why’?

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