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Technology: Canva and Smartmockups

You are to complete this assignment as part of an effort to develop a personal brand.  You may begin by creating a personal "logo" that reflects you.  It could be your initials or a more complex logo.  It's up to you.  You can use any tool you wish to create your logo. 


Using, create the following:


  • Business Card

  • Letterhead/Stationery

  • Facebook Cover 

  • Instagram Story

  • YouTube Channel


2 additional items of your choice (from Canva or Smartmockups)


For the Social Media items, there are a couple of different methods:

  • For Facebook Cover and Instagram Story, you can create them within Canva using the SmartMockUps app

  • For YouTube Channel, you must go to and create an account.  This is also a great place to make your "2 additional" items of your choice.


Remember, these are to reflect YOU as a "professional."  If you have a business, you can use it on your materials; otherwise, it is FOR YOU as a human being!  The look, theme, and appearance--whatever you want to call it--should be the same or very similar for each item (see the example below).


Here are some articles that will help:

How To Design a Business Card

Establishing Your Personal Brand Through Stationery


Below are some examples. Notice that each component has a similar look (consistent use of color and logo).



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