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Mass marketing has long become a thing of the past, giving way to the pervasive influence of personalized marketing in the business world. The abundance of customer data, coupled with digital technology, empowers companies to engage in highly targeted marketing strategies.

The composition of a specific target audience, including their demographic and psychographic profiles, plays a crucial role in shaping marketing decisions. The preferences and behaviors of your target audience will directly impact the pricing of your products or services. Moreover, the distribution channels employed will be tailored to suit your customers' unique buying habits and characteristics.


Promotional strategies and the platforms utilized to showcase your brand will likewise evolve based on the profiles of your potential buyers. Even the attributes of your products and the features emphasized will be adapted to cater to different customer personas.

"Marketing Gets Personal" equips you with valuable insights into the characteristics and preferences of six distinct families and two individuals. These insights serve as the foundation for making informed decisions regarding the marketing mix.


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