Analyzing Movie Distribution Strategies (IV)
Conduct a SWOT Analysis on a Movie (V, VI, IX)
Create a Movie Poster to Promote a Film (VI, IX)
Create a Series of Facebook Posts to Promote a Movie (VI)
Create a Series of Instagram Posts to Promote a Movie (VI)
Create Billboards to Promote a Film (VI)
Creating a Marketing Timeline (V, VI, IX)
Creating a Press Kit for a Movie Release (VI, IX)
Developing a USP for a Movie (III, V, VI, IX)
Location-Based Marketing in Movie Promotion (VI, IX)
Measuring the Success of a Marketing Plan (VIII)
Movie Publicity Stunt (VI, IX)
Movie Media Pitch (VI, IX)
Movie Swag Design Challenge (VI, IX)
Understanding the Target Audience for a Movie (III, IX)
Utilize an Influencer in Marketing a Movie Release (VI, IX)
Write and Record a Radio Advertisement for a Movie Release (VI, IX)