Grand America CU Information (get brand assets here)

Our mission is to provide personal financial services of a superior quality to our members; our top priority is their financial well-being.
We desire to be the primary financial institution of our members. We will use technology to support a highly trained staff.
Professional managers will be accountable for the quality of service and will be given the necessary autonomy in implementing policy to ensure that the member receive the highest degree of excellence in every contact.
Professional marketing will provide aggressive programs to increase growth. We will seek our growth both from new members and by serving the financial needs of present members in a more complete manner.
In order to provide quality member services, our credit union will remain financially sound and secure. Effective operating controls, capital reserves, and liquidity will be maintained at all times.
We will be sales-oriented in our approach to members, and traditional credit union philosophy will remain our guiding principle.
Among financial institutions, this credit union is a unique organization with deep and abiding human values. Our goal is to maintain those qualities.
Credit unions were originated in mid-1800s Europe. Banks were reluctant to lend money to certain individuals or groups, and these underserved consumers pooled their resources and formed cooperatives.
Credit unions exist to serve the needs of their members. Credit unions educate members about sensible money management to help improve their financial condition. This service-oriented philosophy is the most significant benefit of credit union membership. Credit unions are organizations of people, not of money.
As part-owners, members have the right to vote on decisions affecting the credit union. One member has one vote, no matter if his or her deposit is $1 or $25,000.
Key Differences Between Credit Unions And Banks
Credit Unions
Credit unions are managed by volunteer Boards of Directors who serve only to assist the financial health of the entire membership. Credit union members vote in board elections.
Credit unions do not operate for a profit, and therefore do not pay corporate income taxes. Credit unions pay other state and national taxes.
Credit unions, by federal law, must retain a high percentage of capital to protect members' savings, weather tough economic times and fund the ability to grow and better serve members.
Credit unions, as not-for-profit organizations, serve the financial well-being of the member through free consumer education and counseling.
Banks are managed by boards of shareholders who expect to profit from the customers who use their products and services. Bank customers have no input into the management of their financial institution.
Banks operate for a profit and therefore do pay corporate income taxes and all other state and national taxes.
Banks can issue stock to raise capital and must retain a low percentage for savings. Banks can grow any way they choose and expand into any market they choose.
Types of Accounts
Checking Accounts
Money Market Checking
Savings Accounts
Share Savings
Miney Market Saving
Health Savings (HSA)
Education Savings
Youth Savings
Certificate Accounts
Dedicated Savings
Traditional IRA
Roth IRA
Accumulator (IRA Savings)