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Now Do Something!


A Tweetup is an event where people who use Twitter come together to meet in person. Normally we connect with our friends online after we have met them. At a Tweetup, you meet the people you might only otherwise know virtually.


Read Local Marketing with Twitter Tweetups.  The author provides the following reasons for organizing a Tweetup:


  • It is tightly targeted, one city, one part of a city or one industry / service.

  • It is free

  • It is fun

  • It can be done after normal working hours.

  • It is a friendly way of getting to know other businesses and potential customers


After reading the article make a list of the ways you could use a Tweetup for your client.


Making the Connections

Read this article from Social Media Examiner.  Focus  on the first three methods of connecting to local customers that are listed below.


#1: Find Local People Using Tweets Near You

#2: Find Local People With Your City Name in Their Profile

#3: Find Local People With Twitter Advanced Search


How can you use these three methods for your client?  Notice that not all ideas work for every business.  You ned to sift through all the approaches and select the ones you feel will work best for you and the business you selected.


To Promote or Not Promote?

An article from AdWeek includes the following:

Keep your content fresh, interesting – and low on self-promotion

"When starting out on Twitter, I usually recommend that businesses send tweets using the 70/30 rule: 70 percent of tweets should be engagement and other people’s content, while 30 percent can be used to promote their business. This 30 percent usually shrinks after a few weeks. This is because businesses quickly learn that people aren’t following them to be spammed with advertising – they’re following for their ideas, insights and thought leadership. So go ahead and promote your walk-in special or holiday deals on Twitter. Just make sure this isn’t all you’re doing."


How will you ensure that you do not over-Tweet content that is considered to be direct promotions as opposed to solid content related to your business or industry?  Why do you think this is so important?


From 1-10

Read the details for the following list of ways to make Twitter useful for your local business.  After reading the details, rank the list in terms of importance from 1-10.  Then, consider what you have to actually "do" for each of the items listed.


___ Success Begins With a Great Twitter Profile

___ Make Sure Your Website is Mobile

___ Follow Local People & Lists

___ Engage Those That You Follow

___ Follow Those Who Follow

___ Do not set up an auto direct message to thank your followers

___ Don’t Spam

___ Promote & Share Deals

___ Use #hashtags to categorize your content

___ Follow Twitter’s Best Practices

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