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Setting Up a Google Plus Business Page [2016]

Printed with permission.  See the original article here.


Over the last few years, Google has "refined" the way it handles business identities (or at the very least, has made lots of confusing changes to where and how your business is listed).


Here's where we stand today:


The Google My Business dashboard is the platform you will use to "manage how your business information appears across Google, including Search and Maps" as well as to interact with customers on Google + and through Google reviews.


This means that you can go through Google My Business to create and manage Google+ local business pages, Google+ brand pages, and Google search listings.


This new platform is more geared toward businesses with one or more physical location, for which local search traffic is important. If you're a taco truck or Gwen Stefani or the Seattle Seahawks and that's not really what your business is about, stick with me—I'll address how this affects brand pages and businesses with service areas, too. 


To help you jump directly to what you need, here's a little Table of Contents: 

  1. About Google My Business

  2. Setting Up Google My Business for New and Existing Google Accounts

  3. Setting Up a Google+ Business Page

  4. How to Add an Existing Google+ Business Page to your Google My Business Account


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