Get The Proposal Right
Does it Drive Sales?
In today's economic climate, you will almost guarantee a successful partnership if you can develop a proposal to drive sales for the business. Send fans to your partner to purchase discount tickets, enter a contest, or redeem a coupon. If you can drive fans into the business and then make a purchase, you will be successful.
Does it Tap into a New Market?
Will partnering with your program and event help your corporate partner introduce their product or service to a new audience? This can be a real plus. There was a time when cell phone companies would have laughed at the idea that high school students would be a profitable market for them. Now, they would love to get access to your student body. Look for opportunities to introduce fans to partners that, until now, did not consider your audience part of their market.

Is it a Turnkey Event?
A turnkey event is simply one that involves little or no effort on the part of the corporate partner. In other words, they write the check, and you take care of all the work. While some partners may want to "micro-manage," most will appreciate the fact that you will not require any additional effort or personnel from them.
Other considerations
Does your proposal provide an opportunity to distribute coupons? Will your partner be able to display their product at the event? Are vending rights included in the proposal? Will the event or particular sponsorship opportunity tie in with current advertising and promotional efforts?
As you can see, a potential corporate partner will consider many factors before agreeing to sponsor your event. Although every proposal will not address all of these concerns, it is to your advantage to anticipate your prospect's needs and be prepared to handle them.