13. Stick to the Schedule
Scheduling the activities for your event is very important. One key is to spread out your Fan Fun events so you can control the pace of the evening. There will likely be some activities that are not as “exciting” as others. When possible, sandwich them between two of your better events.
As for your entertainment act, if possible, use them to keep the audience in their seats until the end of the program. Make their act the last big attraction of the night. Try to alternate between events that have fans as contestants and the events that use members of your team or the coaches. Variety is great, and it keeps the fans guessing.
You should try to anticipate the timing of each event and the entire evening . . . but it will
never work out as planned! It should not make a lot of difference unless the event runs way longer than expected.
The two examples of actual schedules for past Tip-Off events should be helpful. Even though we learned a few things over the years, these samples still have room for improvement!