Have Some Fun!
The 5 Spot Shot
Here's What the Event is Like
It is the purest of contests—a shooting contest. The "5" is not sacred . . . it just seems to work. The "5 Spot Shot" identifies five different spots from which contestants must make a basket.
Guidelines for Running the Event:
Select five locations on the court from which contestants must shoot the ball. Be sure to mark these locations in some manner. Use a product package from a sponsor or if you are giving away prizes, set the actual prize on the court. Whatever you do, make it obvious to the fans and the contestant where the spots are.
Select the spots, so it is almost guaranteed that each contestant will make at least one or two baskets. Place one near the basket as a "lay-up," and another between the basket and free throw line. Other spots should be determined based upon your desire to give away the prizes. If you have a great (meaning expensive) prize for someone who makes all of the shots, you might want to place a spot in a more challenging location . . . perhaps on the 3-point line.
A time limit usually creates a more exciting event. For example, you could run this event by either giving the participant a specific number of shots or one shot from each location. It makes for a slow and somewhat dull event. Instead, give them unlimited shots, and let them take them from whatever spot they want—as long as they do it within the time limit (30 to 45 seconds is plenty of time . . . more than you might think!)
A Few Words about Prizes and Sponsors
There are several options in determining what prizes should be and how they should be awarded. In each case, the sponsor(s) obtained would influence these decisions. Following are examples of how prizes could be awarded:
One Sponsor-Your sponsor is the local pizza restaurant. A pizza delivery box designates each of the five spots. Inside each box is one of the following gift certificates:
Small Pizza
Medium Pizza
Large Pizza
Pizza Party for two
Pizza Party for five
In this case, where you place the spots will once again depend upon your agreement with the sponsor and how many gift certificates they wish to give away. Typically the more challenging the shot the better the prize. However, sometimes the excitement is increased when the prizes are more randomly distributed. After the time is up (30 seconds is recommended), the boxes are opened, and the prizes are announced.
Several Sponsors-You may choose to have five different sponsors for this event. If so, each would have a particular spot identified with their logo. Contact a local quick-print business. They will be able to provide you with suggestions for printing the "spots" with company logos.
Your prizes might be as follows:
Six-pack of Pepsi
Full-service car wash
Dinner for two
$50 gift certificate to a department store
A season pass to a ski resort or amusement park.
Once again, either place the prizes on the court based upon value or try a random approach. Whether they are placed randomly or with the best prizes located at the most challenging spots, be sure to tell the contestants and the fans.