Have Some Fun!
Instant Vacation
Here's What the Event is Like
This event awards a mystery trip to the winner, who must come packed and ready to travel right after the event is over. As you might expect, the winner must be 18 or over.
Guidelines for Running the Event
Entrants are selected from fans who come with their luggage and are willing to depart at the end of the game. You may choose to predetermine your contestants by having them register at your sponsor's store, office, etc.
Invite your contestants to the court, where you have placed several pieces of luggage. Each piece of luggage should have some type of "minor" prize, except for the one with the grand prize. In this piece of luggage, place a sign that says . . . You're going to the airport! Don't tell them where they are going. You may tell the fans after the winners leave, but have the driver who takes the winners to the airport (hopefully a limo) keep the tickets until the last possible minute! (this may have to be modified with all of the security changes over the years)
A Few Words about Prizes and Sponsors
The prize, as indicated, is a trip. The location is determined based on several factors, including your budget or the support of a corporate partner. Fans wouldn't complain about a weekend get-a-way in a nearby large city that would simply require them to be driven to the hotel. But, if you can get a supportive corporate partner, sending them to a distant vacation destination will generate much more excitement and publicity.
Contact travel agencies first and see if they will come on board as a partner. Then, look to hotel chains that have a unit in your community. They can get rooms at a deep discount. They will often be willing to co-sponsor the event by providing hotel accommodations.
You will likely be dealing with a "trade-out" rather than a cash sponsorship in the above case. If the travel agencies and hotels are not interested, simply seek a willing partner to invest the dollars to support such an event.