10 March 2015
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Coca-Cola's Marketing Shake-Up Requires a Lot of Bottle
Coca-Cola this week unveiled a radical new marketing proposition that will unify its sub-brands - Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero and Coca-Cola Life under the single recognisable Coca-Cola brand.
Up until now, the four ranges have had distinct individual design and marketing strategies, aimed at different audiences, but under the new proposition they will be united by an ad campaign featuring all the packs with a linked design. The activity will be introduced across the UK and Europe from next week, with full distribution and marketing launching in May.
This move is intended to reinforce the iconic Coca-Cola brand across the whole portfolio of products, it is a fundamental change in strategic direction intended to position Coca-Cola as a master brand. However, the design proposal that has been revealed will not necessarily deliver the desired master brand effect.
The classical error here is that there is confusion between the communications strategy and packaging. Quite simply, a communication strategy cannot work if it is not in sync with the branding; a master brand cannot be created through communications alone, even if the advertising campaign features all the packs in the portfolio together.
If the sub-brand names are retained, even if they are reduced significantly in size on the cans and bottles, the brand is confusing and difficult to navigate. For Coca-Cola to achieve its aim, it needs a single visual identity along with recognisable descriptive naming: a master brand.
Read the entire article here
What is at risk with this approach to branding?
What other companies do you believe might give this a try if it works for Coca Cola?
Fan buys ad to support Lady Vols logo
Tennessee fan Susan Whitlow is still investing in the Lady Vols logo. And she’s encouraging other fans to do the same.
Whitlow, a resident of Bristol, paid for a full-page ad in Sunday’s News Sentinel opposing UT’s decision to eliminate the Lady Vols logo in all sports except for women’s basketball.
UT athletic director Dave Hart announced in November that effective July 1, other school teams, both men’s and women’s, would be referred to as Volunteers and identified by the Power T logo for branding purposes.
A number of former Lady Vols athletes, as well as fans, have expressed displeasure with Hart’s decision, which was approved by university president Dr. Joe DiPietro.
In an email sent Feb. 18 to UT Board of Trustees members before their meeting a week ago, DiPietro said the branding issue was “not a matter for board discussion, decision or action as it is a management/marketing strategy UT Knoxville athletics has put in place and which parallels that of the UT Knoxville campus branding initiative moving toward use of the ‘Power T.’ ”
Read the entire article here.
Hmmm. I'll ask it again for this article--What is at risk for the University of Tennessee with this move?
What degree of influence should fans have in this decision?
Agree or disagree with this approach? Defend your ansser.
14 Tips To Incorporate Social Media Into Event Marketing
Social media and event marketing are like peanut butter and jelly — they are great together.
In this digital age, any business not integrating social media marketing into their trade show presence is losing business to their competitors. Social media is an essential marketing channel for event marketers — I don’t know about you, but I can’t eat a plain peanut butter sandwich.
Following are ideas for using social media before, during and after your event to connect with prospects, deepen relationships with customers, and attract the trade show attendees to your booth.
The article, linked below, covers the use of social media for events and divides the tips into three categories:
Generate Pre-Show Buzz
Social Buzz At The Show
Socializing After The Show
Read the entire article here.
Which tips can you apply to your next event (athoetic, DECA/FBLA, school-wide, Prom, etc.)
How do you determine which is most important: Pre, During or Post event buzz?