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The ONLY Resource You'll Ever Need . . . 

I Finally Have It Right


After going through several versions of a web-based resource . . . I have finally nailed it.  MarketingNOW is literally the only resource you will need to teach general marketing to high school students.


Everything is in one place.  There is one log in (for everyone at your school) and one password.  You also have an unlimited number of accounts within your school.   Whether you are in a lab or are a BYOD school--this is for you.  Whether you have your students read at home because you have flipped your classroom or you are more traditional--this is for you.


Keep reading to find out why.

It's All Here


Here are the key features to the 2015 Edition of MarketingNOW!


Current content:  I cover the basics in the body of the WebBook.  I don't go into real detail for most topics because (keep reading . . . )


Deeper: If you want to go deeper I provide links to relevant articles or websites in nearly every section.  Cover as little or as much as you would like.


Questions: Review questions are included throughout the WebBook to provide your students with a challenge --and to prepare them for the class discussion.


Case studies: In several sections I have included very comprehensive and challenging case studies.  They are worthy of an entire class period.  There are also links to less comprehensive cases.


MarketingNOW Blog: To add even more relevance and "real time" learning I have included a feed to my blog. At least once a week a current article is posted.  I start every class period with my students reading a current article followed by a brief class discussion. The blog is a great source for useful articles.


Twitter: The WebBook includes Twitter feeds or relevant hashtags.  More Twitter features will be added as this platform has become a leading source of timely information.


The Leading Edge: This is a separate section that features a brief introduction to new trends, concepts and directions in marketing.  Great for competitive event preparation. Helpful for the student who wants to go "above and beyond." Use it as a source for planning for a substitute.


Interactive: Some images are interactive--just roll the mouse over the "NOW" icons for more information.  Some links will take you to interactive websites as well.


Video: There are several video links throughout the WebBook.  This includes both YouTube and Vimeo as well as others.

Assignments and Activities


I have created and updated the assignments and activities.  They are linked on the first page of each section.  Do some, all, or none.  It’s your call.  Students can download the document and submit it via DropItToMe when completed.  Or, you can download them, print them, and distribute them to your students. I have provided technology-based options or you can go "old school."


Many of the assignments include links to the Internet that are necessary to complete the assignment.  You can have students compete them at home if they do not have access to computers at school or you can print out web-based information or articles and hand it out.  Again, "tech" or "old school."  Your choice.


At the end of each section is a Review page.  I have embedded items from Quizlet so your students can take a quiz, use flashcards or . . . 


I will continue to add new assignments and activities, including more in-depth projects, as time goes by.  


Teacher Tools


While I believe the WebBook can be used by students independent of other instructional tools (beyond the great discussions you lead) I have included a couple of items.  On the password-protected Teacher page you will find a test for each section (Downloadable in Word).  They are objective, but I have tried to spice them up a bit with images and a variety of types of questions.  I am not a big fan of providing tests/quizzes because each of us teaches differently--and emphasizes different concepts.  So, use them if you want or create your own assessments.  Again, it's your decision.


I have also included a PowerPoint deck for each section.  They are basically "notes on PowerPoint."  Not everyone uses them in this manner but I have had several requests.  And of course, the customer gets what they ask for!


Fnally, there is a link for each of the six volumes of Best Practices for Marketing Teachers.  These are a good source for additional assignment ideas should you need them.


Finally, you will continue to receive The Edge each Tuesday morning.  As you know, this eLetter includes a current article on marketing, social media marketing and sports marketing.  I have also added a section called "Cool Geek" which will provide you with additional ideas on using technology in the classroom. 

Click here to order! (see a preview version here)

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