There are a lot of ways to study. Try them all and pick the one that works best for you!
Here are some additional terms you should know!
Data: The actual measurements or information that you get from your research.
Focus group: A small-group discussion, moderated by an individual, about a research question.
Mean: Used to measure the center, or middle, of a numerical data set. Also known as the average.
Median: Like the median on a road, it’s the true center of a numerical data set, or the middle-ranked value or score on a variable.
Mode: The value or score that occurs most often in a given set of data.
Nonprobability (nonscientific) sample: A research sample that collects information only of people who choose to respond; the probability of selecting certain population members is unknown.
Probability (scientific) sample: A research sample that reflects information that can be proved with very little margin of error. The circumstances under which questions are asked are so specific that the probability of selecting certain population members is known.
Reliability: The accuracy and consistency of information being measured.
Response bias: A tendency to not respond truthfully to research questions. Can be conscious or subconscious.
Response rate: The number of research questionnaires completed divided by the number of eligible respondents who were asked to participate in a survey.
Validity: The degree to which a score accurately captures the type of information being sought.