Bring Value to the Table
Unless you provide valuable content that your audience wants, you won’t have an audience. People don’t stick around when they’re hungry and you’re not feeding them. They’ll move on to the person who fills them up with whatever they need.
When you create content, the value can be found in the format that best suits the audience. So make sure you spread the format across several mediums. Make that content relevant and make it pop.
You can’t make mediocre content and expect to become an influencer. Your content should sound like you. That means what you bring to the table should be made up of your life experiences, your setbacks, and your triumphs. It doesn’t matter if your content is written or spoken; it needs to flow from you and through you.
Stay on topic when you’re posting to social media. Few things are more annoying than someone who rambles on and on, saying a lot but never really imparting any takeaways.
You need to provide value to your followers if you hope to become an influencer. Sometimes, that value will depend on your niche. For example, if you’re in the beauty niche then providing a detailed tutorial on how to use eyeshadow will be valuable in the eyes of your community.
However, if your niche is golfing, then that eyeshadow tutorial is more than just annoying. It’s useless and likely to anger your followers. They wanted golf tips and advice and you didn’t give them that.
Keep in mind that no matter what your topic, you want to make it fun and enjoyable for your followers. So focus on telling stories. Use examples in your content that depict human interest. Emotion is universal and when you tap into that, you connect with your audience and give them content they’ll remember.
For some topics, it might be helpful to bring facts or studies to your content. Give your audience evidence or research backing up your message. Doing this boosts your brand and makes you look trustworthy.
Don’t forget that it’s not just your followers watching you. As you grow your platform, brands, and companies within your niche may begin to pay attention to your profile. That means you always want to have your information updated and your best content on display. If your content is lackluster and there’s no easy way to contact you, a busy brand manager will look elsewhere for his company’s next influencer.