Content for Your Facebook Group
Planning the content for your group
Take the time to look at any existing Facebook groups related to your niche or industry. How many members do they have? How recently has fresh content been posted?
Join a couple of the best groups. Observe the amount of engagement, number of members, and so on. Gradually start to interact with others, answering questions to the best of your ability.
Are they selling products in the group? What frustrations and problems do group members worry about? Do you have solutions to offer them?
Start creating content related to these topics
Create a range of content that answers the questions they are discussing and offers real solutions. It can be free content on your site or blog, or an ebook or special report. Or you can create an ebook or ecourse to sell. The more products you have to sell at a reasonable price, the more sales and brand loyalty you can generate.
If you are a service provider, selling information products also boost your authority and makes prospective customers more willing to try your company.
Once you have created information products and/or have descriptions of the services your company has to offer, you will create promotional posts for them. But remember, social media is all about socializing. In general, the ratio of informational and interesting posts compared with promotional ones should be a ratio of 10 to 1. Otherwise, your group might just seem like a lot of spam.
Naming your group
Once you have determined your goals and carried out your research, start brainstorming names. Your group name should have one keyword related to your niche or industry. Keep it short and simple. Some people like to choose a name similar to one of the other successful groups in the niche. Narrow down your choice and pick one. Then you will be ready to create the group.