Marketing Strategies for TicTok
5. Be Authentic
We would always recommend authenticity with your marketing for any social channel but it is particularly important with TikTok as it is so new and pure. The platform is not saturated with brands yet like Instagram and others are (we are sure that this will happen eventually).
You always need to be authentic on TikTok or else the community will shun you. Don’t be sales orientated and try to push users to purchase your products and services. Instead, you need to push community and creativity.
Use engagement with your brand as a good way for your audience to receive likes and shares from their communities. When you get this right you will experience a lot of success with your marketing on TikTok.
6. Build a Community
You are not going to get very far with TikTok if you just create a single challenge and leverage this by using an influencer. It is essential that you are prepared to build a community on the platform. Of course, you can develop the community around your brand and your products.
We recommend that you start by creating simple videos. You need to decide on the tone that you want for your brand and then create short videos that resonate with this. Do you want to be funny, political, controversial or positive? When you create a good community vibe on TikTok other users will be clamoring to join in.